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Monday, 26 December 2005

Fracture Mechanic Analysis for Package Delamination

Keywords: Vapor pressure, Delamination, Energy release rate, Electronic packaging, Modified Closure Crack Integral, ANSYS simulation.

Abstract:The presence of moisture absorbed in electronic packaging from ambient condition caused vapor pressure. At the same time, during soldering reflow the heat of electronic packaging rose up to solder melting point (2150C). Therefore, moisture absorbed would vaporize and eventually caused popcorn cracking. The dissimilar material between two interfaces caused delamination at high temperature. Delamination and crack were considered as significant failures in electronic packaging. For these circumstances, Modified Crack Closure Integral method was tested and applied to determine crack growth rate and for the purpose to understand failures. TQFP package was successfully verified by using the method. A PBGA package was modeled for thermal distribution and moisture concentration in order to calculate vapor pressure acted on crack. The energy release rate was the main concern among fracture parameters, which had been proven fully related with vapor pressure and crack length ratio in popcorn cracking.

I.A. Azid, C.P. Tan, B.L. Lee, M.M. Ratnam, M. V.V. Murthy and K.N. Seetharamu
School of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia

For more information, please refer to
Key Engineering Materials Vols. 297-300 (2005) pp. 844-850
(c) (2005) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland

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