Exam Preparation 『如何面对考试前与后』
It is normal for a student feel nervous and pressure especially during an exam. The most important thing to do is “How you minimize and control your nervousness”. Some feeling of pressure is good but it has to be controlled to a comfortable level so that it helps you to keep on studying well.
Perhaps the methods below can help you to overcome your exam nervousness:-
1) It is important when studying for exams to try and stay as relaxed as possible and to keep stress level to a minimum. Remember: Nobody can be perfect and all you can do is to do your best.
> 轻轻松松、快快乐乐去读书。
2) You may find it will help to prepare a revision timetable and set out what topics, subjects you want to cover each day. Remember: Practice make prefect.
> 管好时间,订下温习时间表。
3) The best way to study is usually in short periods and build into your timetable periods of relaxation, periods to eat, and time to enjoy yourself.
> 将温习与活动分成小部分以方便进行。
4) You may feel revising easier by highlighting the most important areas which you need to study and make notes of anything you don’t understand or are unsure about and discuss this with a teacher or friend. It may also be helpful every so often to meet with other students and discuss the subject and test each other (form study group). You can also give each other moral support.
> 做精简的笔记对日后复习有用。
5) You may get a period of exercise each day: - aerobics, walking, cycling, swimming or singing (anything to get rid of stress in your body).
> 定时做运动。
6) You may get fresh air each day: - even 10 minutes walk in the park or spending time in the garden.
> 让自己去吹吹风。
7) You may find it motivates you to study if you set aside some study time a few hours before favorite program you want to watch: - it helps knowing that after your study you have something you are going to enjoy.
> 制定完成温习的奖励方法。
8) In your relaxation time, you don’t even think about exams. You may go out with friends, listen to music etc. (do whatever you enjoy and whatever helps you to feel relaxed). That’s way you will feel more motivated to continue revising after your relaxation time.
> 读书时读书;游戏时游戏。
9) It is important to eat healthily, little and often. You always eat breakfast otherwise you will feel listless and lack energy throughout the day and will not be in the right frame of mind to study. The better shape you are in physically the more alert you will feel and less stressed.
> 养成一个健康的饮食习惯。
10) If you do find it difficult to concentrate it would be better to have a break for a while and then go back to it later.
> 歇一歇以走更长的路。
11) Never go to sleep straight after revising. You may have some relaxation before the end of the day. Maybe have a relaxing bath before going to bed and try to get to sleep at a reasonable time so you are not feeling tired the next day.
> 拥有足够及正常的睡眠。
12) If you establish a routine you will find it easier to revise for exams and it is far better to do some study each day than leave everything until the last minute which will only make you feel more stressed and nervous.
> 减少考试压力就别临时抱佛脚。
13) Before the day of the exam, you need to check everything ready: - pencils, pens, rulers, calculator etc.
> 考试前一晚,准备必带的用具。
14) On the day of your exam try to get up early so you can take thing at your own pace and you wouldn’t rush and get panicky about being late.
> 提早到考场,以防万一聊误而迟到。
15) You may read through the whole exam paper before starting the exam as that will give you an idea of how much time you will need for each question.
> 接到考卷,先仔细默读指示或说明,然后计划作答的先后次序。
16) If you can’t answer a question, you don’t panic and try to go onto the questions you feel more confident about and go back to more difficult ones afterwards. You may find when you go back to the question that it is easier to answer.
> 容易先做,困难后做。
17) If you find yourself getting stressed and nervous, you may take some deep breadths and slow your breathing down and this will help you to calm down.
> 紧张时就深呼吸。
18) After the exam don’t give yourself a hard time about the question you feel you didn’t do well and just give yourself a pat on the back for getting through the exam and for all the questions you feel you did do right on. Then relax yourself by going out and enjoy yourself after all the exams are over.
> 考完试后让自己放个假。
Important: At the end of the day you can only do your best. Nobody can ask for more than that. Try to keep thinking in a positive frame of mind that you will get through in the period of stress.
“If you think you can, you can do it!”
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